NLHPP response to Enfield Independent article
Councillor Clyde Loakes, Chair of the NLHPP, responds to the article ‘Extinction Rebellion to hold a protest in Enfield Town Centre’ that was published on 15 January 2020.
“We appreciate the strength of feeling about taking action to tackle the Climate Emergency. As a waste authority, our most important priority is to protect our planet and preserve resources for future generations."
“We’re acting now to reduce waste, increase recycling rates and treat non-recyclable waste as a valuable resource – not simply sending it to rot in landfill."
“The fact is the North London Heat and Power Project is part of the solution for tackling the Climate Emergency. The current energy from waste plant at the Edmonton EcoPark is coming to the end of its life. It needs to be replaced because there’s simply no place for landfill in a carbon-neutral future. Rotting waste in landfill emits the greenhouse gas methane and produces leachates which can damage water courses and the environment."
“We carefully considered the options, but they are not effective, reliable or cost-efficient solutions for managing the required volumes of non-recyclable waste at the EcoPark."
“The impending closure of the old plant provides a rare opportunity to move towards a more circular economy. We’re investing in new facilities to boost recycling across north London and providing a high-tech asset with skilled jobs, fitting in with Enfield’s own priorities to establish a modern industrial sector in the borough. We’re also providing the first ever public reuse and recycling centre at the EcoPark for the benefit of residents."
“The world-class energy from waste facility will provide the most advanced and environmentally-sustainable solution for treating this waste. Our investment will save the equivalent of 215,000 tonnes of CO2 every year compared with sending this waste to landfill. That’s like taking 110,000 cars off the road each year”.
“Combined, these new facilities will allow north London to recycle much more, use proven, reliable and safe technology to treat non-recyclable waste, and generate low-carbon electricity to power homes and businesses”.