LondonWaste Ltd
As part of the preparations for waste management after the end of North London Waste Authority's (NLWA's) existing 20 year contract with LondonWaste Ltd in December 2014, NLWA acquired Sita UK's shares in LondonWaste Ltd from Sita UK in December 2009, so that LondonWaste Ltd became wholly owned by NLWA.
During 2013, the Authority ended its procurement for waste management and fuel use contracts with the decision based on an extended use of the current energy from waste facility and services.

Contractual arrangements for the future
NLWA has decided to enter into a new contract with LondonWaste Ltd from the end of the current contract in December 2014 to last until 1st December 2025, to cover the period during which it is expected that the current energy-from-waste facility will continue to operate.
This contract will be directly awarded to LondonWaste Ltd. This is possible because the Authority is the sole shareholder of LondonWaste Ltd and LondonWaste Ltd conducts the majority of its business with NLWA.
Authority officers have been working closely with LondonWaste Ltd to identify more efficient ways of working and to ensure that wherever possible the current costs of services (arising in the main from the competitive tender process that led to the award of that contract) are either improved or continue to be provided on a basis that minimises cost to the borough councils.
The new contract with LondonWaste Ltd will include:
- Receiving, treating and disposing of residual waste left over after recycling and composting;
- Managing Re-use and Recycling Centres (RRCs) and organising the recycling and disposal of waste brought to these sites;
- Receiving and treating separately collected organic garden and kitchen waste;
- Receiving and transporting recyclable waste to other companies for recycling; and
- Receiving and transporting separately collected clinical and offensive wastes for treatment by other companies
Want to know more? Further details about the role and operations of LondonWaste Ltd are available on their website: