This document sets out the process to assess traffic impacts of the proposal.
The existing Energy from Waste Facility is accessed from Advent Way, which leads onto the A406 North Circular. It is expected that this will remain as the main site access. Potential additional site accesses will be considered from the Lee Park Way and Ardra Road.
The replacement Energy Recovery Facility will include new internal roads and parking as well as a new servicing location for office and other deliveries.
A Transport Assessment (TA) will be undertaken before the second phase of consultation to understand any transport effects that the North London Heat and Power Project may have. The TA will inform the design of the NLWA's proposals, and will identify what measures will be taken to deal with any anticipated transport impacts.
Existing transport conditions have been assessed including through a series of site visits to understand the current capacity and operations of the site. The transport conditions that will be assessed as part of the TA include:
- Local highway network and traffic flows
- Public transport including frequency of services and location of stations and bus stops
- Pedestrian and cycle networks
- Parking including provision of car, cycle and motorbike parking
- Road safety including road traffic accidents and accident hotspots
For the proposed development the following areas will be assessed:
- Trip generation for different modes of transport including traffic during construction (movement of materials and waste) and operation (movement of waste to and from the site) and traffic associated with employees.
- Effect on the local highway network
- Servicing and waste including the number of deliveries and collections, loading areas and waste generation for the office and any ancillary activities
The traffic flows to and from the existing site comprise a mixture of heavy and light goods vehicles. The types of vehicles are expected to remain the same for the replacement ERF. The majority of the trips to and from the site are along the A406 North Circular Road and this is expected to be the same for the replacement ERF.
A travel plan will be prepared for employees to encourage sustainable travel choices and reduce car-based trips generated by the development. The travel plan will include potential measures to encourage public transport use, promote walking and cycling, and car sharing. It will also set target shares for different modes and address travel information, coordination, monitoring review, implementation and funding.
Opportunities to transport materials by water during construction and operation will also be discussed in the TA.