District Heating
We are working with Energetik to unlock the potential heat output of our facility by supplying it to local homes through the Meridian Water Heat Network.
The Meridian Water Heat Network is a local scheme being promoted by Energetik, which is aiming to use the available heat generated by the replacement facility. This scheme is a separate project and will be managed by Energetik. An infographic of how heat networks operate can be found on their website.
Energetik were incorporated in 2015 as Lee Valley Heat Network Operating Company Ltd, with Energetik as their trading name and Enfield Council as the sole shareholder.
The holding company, Lee Valley Heat Network Company Ltd, represents the interests of Enfield Council and makes sure that strategic decisions reflect the Council’s priorities.
Day-to-day business operations are managed by the operating company, who are a team of industry professionals experienced in delivering community energy projects.