Construction and Demolition

Following the granting of the Development Consent Order (DCO), NLWA will consider the best procurement route for the facility before starting the construction phase, followed by demolition of the existing Energy from Waste (EfW) facility.  The construction period is unlikely to start before 2020, and once begun, will last for approximately three years.  After a short period during which both facilities are operating together, to ensure that the new facility is working well, the current EfW will be demolished.  Demolition, including making sure the ground is put into a pre-agreed condition , is expected to last up to two years.

During construction and demolition, the contractors will be required to follow a code of construction practice, and the essential elements of this will be included in the DCO application.

This note sets out the approach to a code of construction practice being adopted.

A Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) will be prepared to set out how construction of the replacement Energy Recovery Facility and demolition of the existing Energy from Waste Facility will be managed and mitigated to minimise disruption. The CoCP will set out a series of objectives and measures to be implemented during all construction and demolition activities e.g. site preparation, demolition, materials delivery, waste removal and engineering and construction activities. It will outline the ways in which environmental requirements will be managed and as well as general environmental management principles, it will include general site requirements and environmental requirements by topic. 

A draft CoCP will be submitted with the application and this will be further updated with the requirements of the application before construction begins. 

The CoCP will:

  • Establish a set of standards and procedures for managing, mitigating and monitoring construction impacts of site activities throughout the construction phase;
  • Maintain satisfactory levels of environmental protection;
  • Limit the disturbance from construction activities as far as reasonably practicable; and
  • Assure stakeholders that construction impacts will be appropriately managed and provide a mechanism for stakeholder engagement.

The preparation of the CoCP will be informed by the Environmental Impact Assessment process and the findings of the Environmental Statement (ES).  The assessments presented in the ES will assume the application of the measures contained within the CoCP.  The CoCP will also take into account feedback during engagement with stakeholders including this Phase 1 consultation.

The provisions of the CoCP will be enforceable through the construction works contract and will be incorporated into all construction contracts.  All Contractor(s) and their sub-contractors will be required to comply with the requirements in the CoCP.