Managing traffic around the site
We are committed to working with the local community and Enfield Council to help ensure North London Heat and Power Project is developed considerately and traffic is managed carefully.
Since January 2019, we have already saved hundreds of lorry journeys by reusing soil on site. We will continue to use innovative techniques throughout the construction of the Project to minimise our impact on the local road network.
Construction traffic flow is managed in conjunction with other projects in the area and the map below shows the routes our contractors will take to access the site.
Operational vehicles would continue to access the Edmonton EcoPark via the access at Advent Way. This accounts for approximately 1,063 one-way vehicle movements per day. Traffic associated with the demolition and enabling works would also use this access route.
Public access is now available via Lee Park Way. It is also used by some light vehicles, including staff shuttle buses, site visitors and Edmonton Sea Cadets.
Some traffic will arrive at the Laydown Area via the Walthamstow Avenue and existing access.
The majority of heavy goods vehicles associated with the construction of the proposed ERF would arrive via the Deephams Farm Road access. The majority of these vehicles would travel via the A406 North Circular Road and A1055 Meridian Way and Ardra Road to the access to reduce traffic impacts in the area.